Munro Park, located at 425 18 Ave NE was initially developed in 1948. The park is located in Ward 4, however due to its close proximity to Renfrew in Ward 9, we wanted to share the following information with the community.
While the park is currently well-used, there is potential to further enliven the lives of local residents, enhance local business activities, and improve connectivity in the area. The City of Calgary has implemented some improvements in Munro Park, but there is a larger vision to add playful amenities and connect different park spaces into a cohesive design, considering operational needs from the early stages. The design development phases of this project will inspire contributions on the possibilities before recommending creative, fun, and inclusive investments for all seasons.
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The Greater Forest Lawn Local Area Plan project team will be hosting the next Community Conversation Series on Thursday, February 22 and Wednesday, March 13. This is an opportunity to meet with the project team to discuss plans, learn where we are in the planning process, and have your questions answered.
Location: Forest Lawn Library (4807 Eighth Ave SE) - Basement Community Room
Dates: February 22, 2024 and March 13, 2024
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Upcoming events at the Southview Community Hall!
Get out and skate at the the grand opening of Southview’s outdoor ice rink on February 17th!
Plus, check out Yoga at the hall. Running from March 6th - April 10th on Wednesday evenings for Southview members.
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As The City work towards finalizing the design for the rehabilitation of the Blackfoot Trail over 9th Avenue S.E. bridge, we will need to conduct an inspection of the underside of the bridge. To facilitate this inspection, 9th Avenue will be closed to vehicle traffic from 15 Street S.E. to 16 Street S.E. starting February 8th at 9 p.m. and will re-open the following morning on February 9th at 5 a.m.
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As part of preparations for the GreenLine in Ogden, construction has begun around the CPKC rail yards. Work will take place east of CPKC alignment, south of Ogden Dale Road S.E. at approximately 78 Avenue. Work will be primarily located to the east of the embankment and south of the current location of Ogden Dale Road S.E.
With CPKC service having shifted to the southern diversion embankment, excavation of the permanent CPKC alignment to make way for the 78 Avenue vehicle tunnel will begin on approximately February 5 and is expected to last until Spring 2024.
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The City of Calgary has been actively monitoring the Beaverdam Flats slope, located adjacent to the western edge of the Riverside Gate Condo property. Our recent geotechnical investigations have revealed signs of instability in the slope. Based on our studies to date, a potential future failure at this site would threaten the integrity of the Bow River Pathway (located on City lands) and the trail at the top of the slope (located on Riverside Gate Condos’ lands), but it would not likely effect the condo buildings themselves.
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Calgary is in a housing crisis. We need more homes. The citywide rezoning proposed in Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy will help.
How will rezoning help?
This change will help increase the supply of housing to better meet demand by reducing the costs and timelines for permit approvals. This means more housing is able to be built faster. It also allows for greater housing variety, options, and price points to suit more Calgarians needs.
If you’re renting or buying, rezoning increases the number and types of homes available in all communities, making homes more affordable. If you own property, you’ll have more options to meet your future needs.
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The City of Calgary is preparing to begin Phase Two of the Inglewood Sanitary Trunk (IST) project.
The IST Phase Two project will increase the waster capacity of Inglewood and other north Calgary communities; it involves micro-tunneling beneath the Bow River to connect two existing sanitary pipes.
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Inglewood and Ramsay residents are invited to an afternoon of caroling, gingerbread house making, card and ornament making, bake sale, bar, games, silent auction, and more!!! Free entry. Cash/debit bar, concession and gingerbread house kits.
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To meet the current and projected wastewater needs, we have added 3.5 km of new sanitary pipe (Phase One) and will be adding another 600 m of sanitary pipe (Phase Two). This new trunk is critical to maintaining a high-level of sanitary service to Inglewood and surrounding communities.
In early December, City crews will begin setting up the construction area on the south side of the Bow River. They will be creating a safe, protected space so they can mobilize and start work quickly in the new year. We are confirming construction timelines for 2024 and will ensure this page is kept up-to-date.
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Seniors of Bridgeland please join the BRCA on Wed December 13, at 1:30-2:30pm for a holiday coffee and stockings from Bridgeland Elves!
RSVP to register, as space is limited. Email or call the hall 403-263-5755.
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On December 7th and 8th, early construction work and soil investigation is scheduled ahead of the planned twinning of the Ivor Strong Bridge.
As result. a temporary closure of Southview/Dover off-leash dog area is required to allow crews and equipment safe access to the work area while protecting the public and pets from the active work area within the park. The park will reopen to the public on December 9.
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Following the completion of the secant pile wall at the 78 Avenue project site, additional work will begin, including:
(1) The installation of a secant pile wall at the 72 Avenue site; and
(2) The installation of the CPKC tracks on the 78 Avenue diversion embankment.
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As the GreenLine LRT begins to shift from planning to implementation, we are at a place where key challenges and opportunities associated with the current GreenLine station designs in Ward 9 need to be addressed. These challenges and opportunities are grounded in the perspective I have as a 10+ year advocate and champion of the GreenLine in my role as the area’s City Councillor, as well as my 20+ year role as an urban design professional working with East Calgary Communities towards the transit-oriented future we are now on the brink of achieving.
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We were fortunate to be invited to tour the newest Mustard Seed project in Ogden, Hub:29. Set to open early next year, the former United church site is now being stewarded by The Mustard Seed, delivering a unique mixed-use social hub and affordable housing project in the community. Hub:29 was designed to bring people together, exemplifying the true meaning of community, anchored in the betterment and wellbeing of all residents.
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ome out and support the SE Calgary Resource Centre at their annual Christmas Craft Fair.
Saturday, December 2 from 1-4pm
Ogden House - 2102 69 Ave SE
There will be a wide variety of vendors, selling unique handcrafted items, as well as a kids-only market, where children are welcome to purchase a gift for the important grownups in their lives. Plus, a silent auction, door prizes, and more.
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The City of Calgary is currently in the second phase of the Chinook Community Local Area Planning project, which includes the communities of Manchester and Manchester Industrial. Some great conversations and engagements have already taken place with the working group and local community associations.
Opportunities for the public to get involved are open from November 14 to December 11, 2023.
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Join the Millican-Ogden Community Association for a family-friendly afternoon of hot chocolate, cookies, and skating with Santa on Sunday, December 17 from 12:30 - 1:45pm.
Hosted at the Jack Setters Arena, 2086 69 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3Y4
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Join the Dover Community Association for their Annual Breakfast with Santa event happening Sunday, December 10th from 10:30am - 12:30pm.
This event includes wagon rides and a free breakfast. Donations are welcome but not required.
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Join The Alex for their Artisan Fair and Market on December 9th from 1pm - 4pm. Share good food and holiday crafts and be part of the festivities in Forest Lawn.
The Alex Community Food Centre - 4920 17 Ave SE
Interested in being a vendor? Contact Joanna at or (403) 863-3953.
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