The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on the neighbourhood businesses that are a vital part of our community — it’s important to have shops and restaurants within walking distance of our homes, and many of these owners and employees live in Renfrew and/or support the community as well. As a way to help our local businesses get through this difficult period, the Renfrew Community Association will be sharing profiles of neighbourhood shops and restaurants as well as doing a large giveaway of prizes and gift cards over the new two months. Stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts for more details — and if you can, support local! Also, make sure to hold on to any receipts from local businesses as they will be eligible for one of the contests we have coming up. More details will be available soon.
Garbage, recycling and composting pickup schedule updates
Green cart pick up resumes during the week of May 19! Look up your address to view your blue, black and green cart collection day schedule and sign up to get free garbage, recycling and composting bin pick-up day reminders. These previously planned schedule changes allow us to accommodate city growth and continue providing reliable service to Calgarians.
If you are already signed up and your schedule is changing, pickup day reminders will automatically adjust to your new collection schedule.
Read MoreChange Can’t Wait! [Funding opportunity for pilot projects focused on Mental Health and Addictions]
Community organizations are participating in the funding of the fast pilot projects - adding a combined $275,000.00 to the funds earmarked by The City. These organizations, together with The City, form the Community Action on Mental Health and Addiction Community Investment Table. They are Calgary Health Trust, Calgary Foundation, Hunter Family Foundation, United Way of Calgary and Area and Viewpoint Foundation.
Read MoreGO SLOW! Relaunch Strategy & Outdoor Activity in Calgary
On April 30, the Government of Alberta announced their relaunch strategy which included details about public spaces, services, and details about plans in the intermediate and long-term future.
Please remember that public health advisories and orders are still in effect and we recommend that folks continue to pay close attention when planning for weekend activities outside their home. Additionally, the State of Local Emergency in still in effect for all Calgarians. We wanted to make sure you understood the implications for these measures in Calgary, and have listed details of the renewed SOLE below.
We encourage you to read through the City’s briefing or watch Mayor Nenshi and Deputy Chief Sue Henry explain details on how the City is approaching Calgary’s Relaunch.:
In short:
Playgrounds remain closed. Skate parks are reopened but users must maintain two metres minimum distance and avoid touching surfaces including benches and railings. No more than 15 people are allowed in the same location.
Golf courses are not yet open for use.
Bylaw officers will be actively patrolling parks and spaces throughout the weekend and enforcing public health orders. Failure to comply with physical distancing could result in fines up to $1200.
Officials from surrounding towns and neighbourhoods have requested that visitors do not stop to reduce all possible risk of transmission. At this time, non-essential travel is discouraged.
Review the following:
Understand how to properly protect yourself and others with the use of a mask when outside the home.
Mayor Nenshi’s reference is included for your review:
May 1. 2020
WHEREAS a State of Local Emergency was declared for the City of Calgary on March 15, 2020 to address the COVID19 Pandemic.
AND WHEREAS the Local Emergency Committee authorized the Director of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency to exercise any power or function of the Committee for the duration of the state of local emergency, including the authority to issue orders pursuant to Section 24 of the Emergency Management Act;
Order 15032020/5, Issued March 27, 2020 is hereby revoked.
The following facilities, whether located in City parks and other City property or on private property, closed pursuant to Order 15032020/5, remain closed: playgrounds.
(1) The following activities, prohibited pursuant to Order 15032020/5, remain prohibited on sports fields, play fields, and courts, whether located in City parks and other City property or on private property:
(a) the playing of organized and team sports, including, but not limited to:
doubles tennis;
doubles badminton;
doubles pickleball;
field hockey;
ball hockey;
ultimate frisbee;
lawn bowling;
volleyball; and
any other organized or team sport that the playing of which necessarily requires players to touch or handle the same ball or other devices with their hands.
The prohibition set out in section 3{1) does not apply to members of the same household who engage in an organized or team sport.
Despite section 3, the following sports are not prohibited if play is modified so that participants will not (1) touch or handle the same ball or other device, and (2) maintain a 2-metre distance at all times (including the elimination of accidental contact):
disc golf;
singles tennis;
singles badminton;
singles pickle ball;
singles kayaking;
river surfing.
For clarity, all persons must continue to follow any restrictions or requirements imposed the the Provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health, including the restrictions set out in CMOH 07-2020 regarding:
(a) the gathering of more than 15 persons in a group in an outdoor location; and
(b) maintaining a 2-metre distance between persons.
Calgary issues boating advisory for Elbow River
The City of Calgary is issuing a temporary boating advisory for the Elbow River for April 29 to May 1 due to higher expected flow rates. The City of Calgary is advising Calgarians against boating and all other watercraft activities on the Elbow River during this time.
Read MoreCalgary Transit: Service Updates and Closures
A select list of C-train and Transit Stations will now be temporarily closed from 6:00pm - 6:00am daily. Customers will still be allowed to access platforms and service machines in the area. Calgary Transit will also be implementing additional cleaning services aboard its fleet during operational hours.
Read MoreW9R: Good News You Need To Know - COVID-19 Edition
The last few weeks have been incredibly hard for all of us. It can be hard to feel hopeful right now or take a break. Many of you might be feeling stressed, anxious, uncertain, confused, or a combination of it all. We’re feeling it too.
Rather than sending out our usual updates, we wanted to switch gears this weekend. It might not be an escape from COVID-19, but it is GOOD news. Good things are happening in our communities, and it makes our team feel hopeful to be reminded about them. We hope it brightens your day and does the same for you!
Read MoreW9R: The helping hands keeping Calgary informed during the COVID-19 crisis
March 26, 2020 | Transit and Transportation Update
Read more to learn about changes to Transit Service, Green Line Engagement Sessions, and the E-Scooter Pilot Project.
Read MoreInglewood Sanitary Trunk Project Update
We're continuing work at 9 Street S.E. and 8 Avenue S.E. to complete the last section of the Inglewood Sanitary Trunk and connection to the existing Inner City Trunk. To facilitate this work the intersection at 8 Avenue S.E. and 9 Street S.E. will be closed until the end of July 2020.
Starting in early April, we’ll also have crews at 9 Street S.E., south of 9 Avenue S.E. to prepare this area for underground installation of sanitary pipe. This road, including access to the back lane parking lots, will be closed for approximately four weeks.
Read MoreW9R: What Happens When You Push the Walk Button
There are fewer cars on the road, streets are less crowded, and overall, there’s a lot more space to enjoy. And it seems like the perfect opportunity for us to learn more about pedestrian infrastructure.
Ever wonder what happens when you push the ‘Walk’ Button? Why some of them make noise and others don’t? Why it feels like they never work?
Read MoreCOVID-19 / Coronavirus Resources
We’ve put together a resource guide for you with all the information you need, but have also included a few other things to keep you informed, considerate, entertained, and more. We’re always taking suggestions and will be updating the page as new information becomes available! Feel free to send us an email at!
Read MoreUpdate: Inglewood Sanitary Trunk (March 11, 2020)
With the closure of the CP Rail Crossing at 9 Avenue and 8 Street S.E we have lost the most direct route for trucks to access the work area and have determined that the safest alternate route for community, driver and pedestrian safety, would be 8 Street/Spiller Road S.E via 25 Avenue S.E.
Read MoreGreenline Engagement & Open House Consultations
We wanted to remind you that Green Line Engagement and Open House Sessions are being extended over the next few days so that Calgarians have a chance to provide input!
Read MoreW9R: Best Practices for Ending Exclusive Single-Family Zoning
Ever walk down the street and wonder how development decisions get made? Or why?
Today, Ward 9 Recommends reading Best Practices for Ending Exclusive Single-Family Zoning, a succinct list of recommendations to consider when implementing ‘missing middle housing’.
Dan Parolek, with the Congress for New Urbanism, lays out the case for missing middle housing making strides to meet housing needs in a variety of places without rapid increases in density or the introduction of larger buildings.
W9R: The Guidebook for Great Communities - A Work In Progress
On Wednesday, March 4, Council will begin discussions regarding the Guidebook for Great Communities during the Planning and Urban Development Committee.
The Guidebook is intended to “provide the foundation” on which Administration and Council plan and implement policy to evolve and grow our communities in an accessible, sustainable, and future-proof manner.
Read MoreRecreation Fee Assistance
Recreation Fee Assistance gives families or individuals living under the Low Income Cut Off limits the opportunity to participate in recreational activities for discounted rates up to 90% off a registered program and 75% off drop-in admissions or passes at City of Calgary Leisure Centres, Aquatic & Fitness Centres and Arenas. Acceptance into the program also gives you access to discounted rates at 28 partner organizations such as the Calgary Zoo, Telus Spark, VIVO, WP Puppet Theatre and YMCA.
Read MoreMarch Newsletter - City of Calgary
Every month, the City of Calgary highlights important dates, activities, and information for all Calgarians!
Read MoreHistoric East Calgary Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) - Guidebook for Great Communities 101
As part of preparing the draft Historic East Calgary Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP), the planning team is hosting a public session about the Guidebook for Great Communities (Guidebook) and how it informs the ARP.
The planning team will be giving a presentation, followed by conversation period with the planning team and the attendees. Seating is limited, so please register here. (if there is a need for a waiting list, there may be a second session)
Read MoreSave the Date: East Town Get Down is happening May 23!
Taking place on a six-block length of 17th Ave SE, and featuring intimate, convivial venues, unique food and drink, and a range of performers to suit all musical tastes, East Town Get Down shakes up the festival landscape in Calgary, kicking off the summer season with an international flare. Find out all about it at
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