Ward 9 Great Neighbourhoods Calgary – Gian-Carlo Carra

This is the official website for Gian-Carlo Carra, City Councillor for Ward 9 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

W9R: Get To Know Your Great Neighbourhood!

Dare we say it?…. Spring is in the air!

The weather looks fantastic this weekend, giving us the perfect opportunity to go outside and get to know your great neighbourhood!

Inspired by our friends at the City of Calgary communications team, we put together a fun activity full of remarkable places to visit in Ward 9!

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Fairview Community Engagement: What We Heard Report - Jan 29, 2020

The Fairview community recently lost the arena that was located at 8038 Fairmount Dr. SE. The City of Calgary has committed to working with the community of Fairview to provide engagement that will guide opportunities for this site and throughout their community.

You can read the results of these consultations in the “What We Heard” Report, released on January 29, 2020.

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Calgary Police Expand Impaired Driving Checks

“Impaired driving is the leading criminal cause of death in Canada,” said Const. Andrew Fairman, with the Alcohol and Drug Recognition Unit. “We all want to do our part to reduce the tragic impact of impaired driving.” 

What is Mandatory Alcohol Screening?

Mandatory Alcohol Screening (MAS) refers to Criminal Code Section 320.27(2) in which a police officer who has an approved screening device on hand, is able to test a breath sample of any driver they lawfully stop, even without reasonable suspicion that the driver has alcohol in their body.

These changes in screening are a result of recent changes to Canada’s impaired driving laws. More information can be found on the Government of Canada’s website.

Read the full release here.

W9R: "The Louder We Get"

Shif and I both agree that The Louder We Get is a big thumbs up for Ward 9 Recommends. The only proper response to the politics of today is rejecting the sense of entitlement we have towards a more equitable and inclusive world as ‘inevitable’; it’s time to get loud in support of the world we want.

But we also recommend The Louder We Get because it is another tour-de-force in Theatre Calgary’s leadership of our City’s world class theatre scene. It’s super-fun, it’s super-uplifting, and it’s technically excellent. We both encourage you to experience it for yourself before it concludes on February 22, 2020. 

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W9R "Sprawlcast: More Than Just A Cornerstore"

Each week, we’ll be sharing stories that inspire us - and hopefully, you as well!

To kick things off, we’d like to bring your attention to a feature about Stanley Jones Grocery by Sprawl Calgary.

Located in Renfrew, Stanley Jones Grocery has been locally owned and operated since it opened its doors in 1913. Take a listen or read through the transcript to learn more about this lovely little corner store has evolved with the needs of its community.

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Calgary Transit E-Store Launched Jan 1, 2020!

Calgary Transit launched its E-Store on January 1, 2020.

You can now purchase tickets and passes online!

This includes patrons who access the Fair Entry program, Youth, and Senior bus passes.

Learn more about how to set up your user ID and use this convenient service here.

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2020 Community Clean Up

The 2020 Community Cleanup season is just around the corner, many of your Community Associations will be receiving communication with information on when and where to register.  Please make sure to process your application and register before January 31, 2020!

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With respect and gratitude, we honour the traditional territories of the Treaty 7 Peoples, including the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Piikani, Amskaapipiikani, and Kainai First Nations), the Îethka Nakoda Wîcastabi First Nations (Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Northwest Métis and Otipemisiwak Métis Government, including Métis Nation Battle River Territory, Nose Hill Métis District 5, and Elbow Métis District 6.