Applewood Park - CN Rail Playpark Enhancement
A partnership between Parks Foundation Calgary and The City of Calgary, CN Rail Playpark is being renovated.
CN Rail Playpark is in the Transportation Utility Corridor in the community of Applewood Park SE. The park currently features small climbing play elements (installed in 2017) and is underutilized. The goal is to enhance the park and provide a multi-generational space for the community.
The CN Rail Playpark Enhancement project was initiated in the summer of 2023 by the Parks Foundation Calgary (PFC) as part of the revitalization efforts for amenity nodes along the Rotary Mattamy Greenway in equity-deserving communities.
After connecting with community to understand their wants and needs, feedback highlighted a desire for shade, gathering spaces, and a skatepark. This input was captured in a conceptual design in the spring of 2024, with the project being approved for construction to begin in 2025.
Contractors are scheduled to start spring mobilization as the weather begins to warm-up. Construction of the Pergola will commence off-site, with installation at the park once complete. Asphalting will commence once the ground temps reach 5 degrees, and air temps are steady at 4 degrees. Once the asphalt has cured (approx. 14 days) the Skate Park features will be installed
Play Features and Pour-in Place surfacing will be installed when the ground and air temperature reach 10 degrees and rising (anticipated mid-April.) With soft scaping and planting expected to finish out the project in late-May.
Team Ward 9 is excited to see this park revitalization moving forward, bringing a few great new amenities to the community of Applewood Park. Thank you to the Parks Foundation and their generous donors for making this vision a realty.