2024 HMCS Calgary Barn Burner Photos
This years HMCS Barn Burner was a wild success!
Councillors Kourtney Penner and Gian-Carlo Carra along with the Friends of HMCS Calgary Committee welcomed nearly 600 friends, family, community organizations. and service members to this year’s HMCS Calgary Barn Burner! All to help raise funds for the Foothills Burn Treatment Centre and The Veterans Food Bank of Calgary on behalf of HMCS Calgary, our city’s namesake Navy ship.
This year’s event took place at the ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen and included great food, great drinks, great live music, and most of all great people!
A huge thank you goes out to the Calgary Salutes Committee & The Friends of HMCS Calgary Sub-Committee, the amazing team at ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen, Walker & The Tribe, High Steppin’ Daddy, Penelope The Clown, The Chinook Country Line Dancers, and everyone that came out and supported this event.
Additional thanks to our generous sponsors: The City of Calgary, Enmax, Lansdowne Equity Ventures, Mainstreet Equity, QuadReal Property Group, Rocky Mountain Film Studio, Trico Homes, Ansonia Property Management, Modern Beauty Supplies, Harvard Developments, Dentons & Anonymous donors.
Event photos taken by Ainsley Christine- check out and follow her social media profiles: @frecklefacemediaco @theainsleychristine.