Salvation Army Backpack + School Supply Fundraiser
In preparation for kids heading back to school, the Salvation Army East Calgary Community Resource Centre in Forest Lawn is looking for donations of backpacks and school supplies.
Their goal this year is to distribute 3,000 backpacks filled with supplies to support families in need. Backpack distribution is scheduled for August 15-17.
Ways to help:
They can be fun, but please ensure they are functional and high quality. Children need something durable that will last a long time.
New, simple, and good quality supplies are needed. Buy in bulk if you prefer - a group of amazing volunteers will help sort and package supplies for distribution.
Monetary donations provide bulk buying power and ensure enough quality supplies for everyone.
To arrange donation drop-off logistics, please contact Melvin Lopes at the Salvation Army East Family Campus.
T: 403-410-1176 | E: | #100, 5115 17 Ave SE
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a family that could use some extra support as your kids head back to school, intake applications for the backpack program begin July 29th. Please contact the East Campus head office for more information on how to apply. 403-410-1160