Dover Playspace Optimization
As part of The Parks and Playground Amenities Program (PAPA), The City of Calgary is working to revitalize and improve park spaces throughout Calgary. In the Ward 9, the community of Dover, will see park and playground updates starting this summer.
When aging playgrounds require lifecycle work, The City looks at maximizing the use of these spaces to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of the community. We assess the need by looking at demographics and working with the community to determine whether the space is best suited as a playground or should be transformed into another type of community play or gathering space.
In Dover, 11 playspaces will be made better. 6 of these areas will get new playground features, and the other 5 will be changed to be more useful park features. On the map below, the places with green markers are playground updates where new equipment will be installed. The places marked in blue will have new park features added.
Engagement Update
The City thanks community members for taking the time to share thoughts, feedback, and insight into their valued community park spaces. A summary of the engagement feedback, compiled as ‘What We Heard’ reports, are now available online at You can view the Dover specific report here: Dover What We Heard Report.
We understand that change within community parks and playgrounds can be difficult as these spaces hold special meaning to community members. Due to budget limitations, we cannot replace all aging playgrounds across the city. While we do our best to incorporate community feedback when planning these upcoming park and playground improvement projects, we must ultimately work within the limits of what’s possible within scope and budget. Our commitment to sustainability and equity drives our goal of providing a balanced mix of play areas and open spaces for everyone.
Next Steps
More detailed plans that outline the proposed park improvements will be shared in March 2025. $100K from the PAPA program has been allocated to each community to fund this work, with additional funding from alternative streams expected.