Construction Update: Inglewood Water Main Replacement - April + May, 2024
We are replacing the water main on 12 Street SE between 8 Avenue SE and 11 Avenue SE. The Phase 1 Hydrovac work is complete, and the water main extension will begin the week of May 6th, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
Construction Schedule
Phase 2: 12 Street SE between 8 Avenue & 9 Avenue SE
Work is scheduled to begin on Monday, May 6th to Friday, May 10th.
Full closure of 12 St between 8 Av and 9 Av SE, with pedestrian and vehicle detours in place.
8 and 9 Av SE remain open to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Sidewalks will remain open for Pedestrian use.
Phase 3.1: 12 Street SE & 8 Avenue SE intersection
Work is scheduled to begin on Friday, May 10th at 9 a.m. until Monday, May 13th at 5 a.m.
Full intersection closure with no through traffic on 12th Street or 8th Avenue SE.
No vehicle traffic permitted across the Zoo St. bridge.
Sidewalks on the Zoo St. bridge will remain open to pedestrians.
Phase 3.2 & 3.3: 12 Street SE & 8 Avenue SE intersection
From Monday, May 13th at 5.a.m. to May 17th at 7 p.m., the intersection will partially re-open to southbound, one-way traffic. Detours will remain in place for northbound traffic.
(Click to enlarge the maps)
Phase 3.4: 12 Street SE & 8 Avenue SE intersection
Beginning on May 17th at 7 p.m. to May 20th at 6 a.m. the intersection will be closed to vehicle traffic for paving and surface rehabilitation.
Pedestrian access maintained.
Construction Impacts
• Temporary water service, and possible water shut offs for nearby buildings.
• Temporary street parking restrictions and/or closures.
• Vibrations due to compaction.
• Additional traffic and congestion due to construction activities and vehicles; in particular, impact to accessing parts of back lanes.
• Regular hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
• If sidewalks, curbs and gutters need to be removed they will be repaired to original or better condition. Pedestrian detours will be in place in these work areas.
Temporary Water Service
During construction, some residents and businesses will be provided a temporary water supply, and access to your property will be required. Before construction starts, a contractor representative will request entry to your property.
Please note that internal fire suppression systems will not work if a building is being supplied by temporary water services.
Should it be necessary to disrupt water service, all affected customers will receive notice at least a day in advance.
Project Information or Questions
For more information about this project, call 311.