Dover Neighbourhood Streets - BUMP Collaboration
The Dover Neighbourhood Streets Project is well underway!
During phase 1 of engagement, residents told us they would like to see community art in their neighbourhood. The City is collaborating with the Beltline Neighbourhood Association’s Beltline Urban Murals Project (BUMP) to bring art to the Dover community. A diverse group of six local artists are painting 66 concrete barriers that will be installed temporarily this fall at 26A Street, 28 Street and 33 Street S.E.
Each artist is taking a section of barriers to tell a unique story. These barriers should add moments of delight, reflection, and vibrancy to the area.
Once we receive funding for the second phase of 34 Avenue S.E., these barriers will be moved to other areas of the city and replaced with permanent concrete curbs.
Project Background
As part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program, The City is working with the Dover community to improve streets in your neighbourhood and create an inclusive, safe mobile network for all community residents. We are enhancing spaces so they can be used by everyone – whether you drive, walk, scoot or wheel through the area.
This project includes:
Creating a walking, cycling, and wheeling connection through the community of Dover.
Addressing speeding and design issues on 34 Avenue S.E.
Providing important connections to existing pathways and bikeways.
Installing missing sidewalks.
Providing connections to schools and parks.
Providing connections to destinations outside of the community, including the Bow River Pathway system and the neighbouring communities of Southview, Erinwoods and Forest Lawn.
In 2020 and 2021, the project team met with the community to gather feedback, present possible solutions and to identify preferred concepts. In 2022, we are phasing the improvements; learn more about the detailed design