Unite the Heights - 8 Avenue N. Functional Planning Study
The City is moving forward with the Unite the Heights initiative and is currently conducting a Functional Planning Study along 8 Avenue N. (between 2 Street N.W. and McKinnon Drive N.E., as well as sections of the connecting roadways of McKinnon Drive N.E. and Maunsell Close N.E.)
Based on the community’s existing and future needs, the Functional Planning Study will identify recommendations to enhance active mode infrastructure connectivity and accessibility, as well as safety for all users of the corridor. The recommendations from this study will help guide future investment in the area to achieve improved connections for active transportation network users.
Based on the analysis of technical data and community feedback gathered during public engagement, the project team will identify, develop and refine concept design options to improve active modes transportation along the corridor. Once we have a holistic understanding of the area, we can design a comprehensive strategy to support active modes of transportation and increase safety and accessibility of the corridor.
The project team has also been developing designs for low cost, small-scale spot improvements, which will be implemented this year. Improvements include wheelchair ramp and intersection upgrades, sidewalk remediation, and improved pedestrian crossings along 8 Avenue N.E. between Renfrew Drive N.E. and 16A Street N.E. This work is necessary to enhance active transportation options for those who walk, wheel, and drive in the area and will aim to complement any potential future corridor improvements.
Overall, this project will provide a plan to improve active transportation infrastructure along the 8 Avenue N. corridor and to increase safety and mobility for all road users in the area. The recommendations arising from the Functional Planning Study will provide a strategic guide for future investment in the area that aligns with the needs of the community.
Please visit the City of Calgary Unite the Heights Engage Page to provide feedback until June 26th.