Inglewood Social and Recreational Service Delivery - Submit an RFI now!
The City of Calgary wants to understand the social and recreational needs of communities surrounding the Beltline and Inglewood Recreation Facilities.
If you haven’t already, check out the Engagement Page to see what others are saying about the amenities that each of these spaces offer and how they’d like to improve on them! Add you thoughts, ask questions, and sign up for updates to stay informed on how the project evolves!
This process includes research on historical use and community needs, engagement with people who live, work, and play in the communities, consultation with social and recreational service providers, and analysis of the current state of each facility.
These consultations will capture, process and communicate your thoughts to inform Council when recommendations are brought forward!
The project is divided into three phases:
DISCOVER: seek to understand the social and recreational needs and opportunities of each community through a variety of accessible consultations
DESIGN: evaluate the results of feedback gathered in the DISCOVER phase to develop recommendations for services and amenities in the community
DELIVER: move forward executing the final decision based on Council’s direction regarding investments and actions to address community needs and long term goals for each of these facilities.
Does your organization have an interest in delivering innovative social and recreational services for the Inglewood and/or Beltline community? Let us know by submitting a Request for Information throught the City of Calgary’s MERX Page! Applications are open from Aug 6 - September 16.