GC on 2017 Property Tax Assessments
On January 5th, 2017 the City of Calgary mailed out over half a million property tax assessments. For many business owners in Calgary, particularly those outside of the downtown core, they are seeing increases in both the assessed value of their property and their taxes.
Ward 9 is the largest economic engine outside of the downtown. This year, Ward 9 businesses have been struck with a triple-whammy:
The downturn in the economy
Falling property values in the downtown core which has led in increased values in areas outside of the downtown
Consolidation of the business tax into the non-residential property tax
City Council has set aside $15 million to help businesses in Calgary deal with this impact and will be reviewing the best way to do this in the coming weeks.
If you are a business owner and concerned about the value your property has been assessed at you can appeal your assessment during the Customer Review Period which runs from January 5 to March 6, 2017. Please call Assessment at 403-268-8888 between 8:00am and 4:30pm.