Ward 9 Great Neighbourhoods Calgary – Gian-Carlo Carra

This is the official website for Gian-Carlo Carra, City Councillor for Ward 9 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

October 2020: Anti-Racism and the City of Calgary - What's Next?

The City of Calgary and the Calgary Police Service have a long journey ahead of us, and we cannot allow overtly racist headwinds distract us from our mission.

I beg everyone to try to empathize with the frustration that must be felt by our BIPOC neighbours - 36% of Calgary’s population - as we acknowledge the systemic racism that they experience every day as we set in motion plans, and then as we settle back into the day-to-day comfort of business as usual as we wait for this work to effect its slow, grinding changes.

I have no doubt that it will continue to be difficult, and imperfect, but these lessons are part of the journey, and I invite you to learn with me as we build a better future together.

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Updates: Calgary's Commitment to Anti-Racism

There is a clear and evident need for increased efforts across society, and within our communities, to identify and address inequalities and racism. The City of Calgary acknowledges the existence of systemic racism. It is committed to listening to, and learning from, those who have been impacted by it, and taking concrete actions to identify and address factors that might contribute to racism within the organization, and across the community.

Work Thus Far, and What Comes Next:

June 15, 2020 – A Notice of Motion was passed by Council entitled Calgary’s commitment to anti-racism directing work to begin in a number of areas.

July 7 – 9, 2020:  Panel presentation and public consultation on systemic racism.

The Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services modified their regular proceedings to have this important conversation about racism. An expert in anti-racism, Dr. Melinda Smith, acted in a special role as a co-chair to inform the proceedings. In addition, seats normally held for Councillors were provided to a panel of experts who provided insights into the multiple facets and impacts of racism.

The session was followed by public submissions that allowed Council to hear from members of the public about their experiences and perspectives on how The City can move forward. Insights and lessons learned from these days will inform the work of an Anti-Racism Action Committee to be established in October 2020 and the development of an anti-racism strategy for Calgary.  

Elders Kelly and Daphne Good Eagle brought blessings in the form of prayer and song at the start of the proceedings, and in consultation with them, have agreed to join Council on July 20th to formally close the hearing after decisions in support of this commitment are approved.

The panel of experts was made up of people recommended by community members and leaders with anti-racism expertise and The City’s Indigenous Relations Office. Panel members were:

  • Vicki Bouvier

  • Francis Boakye

  • Nyall Dabreo

  • Teresa Woo-Paw

  • Phil Fontaine

o   Video

o   Written submissions:

Item 7.1 Photo CPS2020-0776.pdf

§  Item 7.1 Presentation CSP2020-0776.pdf

§  Item 7.1 Letters 1-10 CSP2020-0776.pdf

§  Item 7.1 Letter from L. Migrino CSP2020-0776.pdf

§  Item 7.1 Slides from V. Rangaranj CSP2020-0776.pdf

§  Item 7.1 11-21 CSP2020-0776.pdf

§  Item 7.1 Slide Presentation Help Line Number.pptx

MONDAY, JULY 20, 2020


Elders Kelly and Daphne Good Eagle brought blessings in the form of prayer and song at the start of the proceedings, and in consultation with them, agreed to join Council at the July 20th Combined Meeting of Council to formally close the consultation after decisions in support of this commitment were approved.

During this meeting, Agenda Item 7.13 - Calgary’s Commitment to Anti-Racism, CPS2020-0076, the following recommendations were approved:

  1. Acknowledge, recognize and condemn the systemic racism that exists in our community, our government, our organization and our institutions, including the City of Calgary and the Calgary Police Service, as acknowledged by the joint statement by the Calgary Police Service, the Calgary Police Association, the Calgary Police Commission and the Senior Officers Association

  2. Reaffirm our commitment to the actions directed in the Notice of Motion passed by Council 15 June 2020 and direct that a briefing on their progress be provided to Council no later than 30 September 2020, including the discussion between Council, the Calgary Police Commission, and the Calgary Police Service.

    • This statement places a concrete timeline for the Calgary Police Commission, Calgary Police Service, and Calgary City Council to present a progress report to the public by September 30, 2020. We will keep the community updated on the contents and date of this presentation as details are confirmed.

  3. Approve the Anti-Racism Action Committee Terms of Reference as amended (Attachment 2);

    • This Terms of Reference requires the approval of Council in order to form and begin recruitment for the Anti-Racism Action Committee. Upon approval, the application process will open soon, and all members of the public are invited to apply. The applicant criteria is listed within. The final membership will be formally ratified and approved by Council in October 2020 during the Annual “Org Day”. After that, the Committee may begin its work and will provide regular updates to Council through the Community and Protective Services Committee.

  4. Direct that a “What We Heard” report from the public consultation (2020 July 07) be provided to support the development of the Anti-Racism Strategy and to achieve any or all of the objectives set out in the 15 June 2020 Notice of Motion. This public document will also be made available to any other organization within the community, public or private, who wishes to use it to inform their own anti-racism work.

  5. Direct the Anti-Racism Action Committee to provide a progress update to the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services no later than Q2 2021; and

    • This statement allows the Anti-Racism Action Committee to provide progress as often as needed, but no later than Q2 2021.

  6. Approve the Anti-Racism Capacity Building Fund Terms of Reference (Attachment 3).

    • This Terms of Reference required the approval of Council in order to open applications and release funding in relation to its mandate: “… collaborative, community-based capacity-building initiatives that work to undo systemic racism and support long-term policy and systems reform in Calgary”

    • Once approved, the application will be made available online alongside a template and criteria checklist that can assist eligible organizations in developing a successful application. Timelines for this process are listed further below.

July 23, 2020 - The recommendations listed above were approved by Council meeting on July 20th, and the Anti-racism capacity-Building fund will soon open the call for proposals. City Council has approved up to $250,000 for funding to support collaborative, community-based initiatives that build the capacity of organizations to help combat systemic racism and these funds will be matched by community partners involved in the evaluation and support for applicants.

August 2020 – Recruitment for Anti-Racism Action Committee. Link to applications and criteria will be available soon after Council approves the Terms of Reference in the upcoming meeting on July 20th.

October 2020 – Establishment Anti-Racism Action Committee.
This group will continue the community conversation started in July 2020 and engage the community to begin development of a new community-based anti-racism strategy.

The July 7 – 9 Panel Presentations and Public Hearing on Systemic Racism

The Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protectives Services modified their regular proceedings to have this important conversation about racism. An expert in anti-racism, Dr. Melinda Smith, acted in a special role as a co-chair to inform the proceedings. In addition, seats normally held for Councillors were provided to a panel of experts who provided insights into the multiple facets and impacts of racism.

The session was followed by public submissions that allowed Council to hear from members of the public about their experiences and perspectives on how The City can move forward. Insights and lessons learned from these days will inform the work of an Anti-Racism Action Committee to be established in October 2020 and the development of an anti-racism strategy for Calgary.  

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email us at ward09@calgary.ca

March 2020: Great Communities, for Everyone

Before becoming Ward 9’s Councillor, I spent ten years working with Inglewood and the communities of Greater Forest Lawn on citizen-lead Design Initiatives. The design initiative model sought to empower residents, businesses and institutional actors within East Calgary to envision a best future for their neighbourhoods. We packaged these visions into compelling, award-winning reports and made the case to City Hall that we needed a better planning system and significant public investments or these visionary community aspirations would never be achieved. I sought election to the City Council when it became clear that without dedicated political leadership, a transformation of our planning system and investment priorities would also not be achieved.

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February 2020: A word (or two) from GC

I hope everyone got a break over the holiday that delivered what you were looking for - rest/relaxation, recreation, camaraderie, discovery, what else? I had a great all-of-the-above break with my family which included getting some reading done outside of the usual City reports and agendas. Reading is extremely important to me but it’s something that’s fallen off in my life in conjunction with the ~1500 page/week duties associated with being a Councillor. So I’m gratified that I not only got to read three books but also that I’m still buzzing about them - partially because they were so compelling, and partially because they dovetail perfectly with a huge Great Neighbourhoods project your Team Ward 9 will be working on over the next two years.

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Greater Forest Lawn Governance and Communications Model

The Greater Forest Lawn Governance and Communications Model will specifically focus on piloting a new, multi-community leadership strategy, integrating more effective methods of communication with our residents, and considering how residents in the Greater Forest Lawn communities can better participate in planning and decision making that influences City development projects in their neighbourhoods.

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With respect and gratitude, we honour the traditional territories of the Treaty 7 Peoples, including the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Piikani, Amskaapipiikani, and Kainai First Nations), the Îethka Nakoda Wîcastabi First Nations (Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations), the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Northwest Métis and Otipemisiwak Métis Government, including Métis Nation Battle River Territory, Nose Hill Métis District 5, and Elbow Métis District 6.